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Floor pest

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Floor pest
15-June-2016 11:16
Timely detection and timely treatment. If the terrace wooden railing wood has been found wormhole phenomenon, seize the time and timely treatment is the most direct and effective way. If a small area of ??the worm-eaten, can be injected with a syringe kerosene solution, but this approach will be residual odor of kerosene, and can only use a small area. The best time to professional consumers of flame retardant wood plastic composite wall cladding wood vendors seek solutions, regular wood flooring business will have a professional staff home pest. In addition, some consumers to use pesticides were insecticides, method, or if the agent does not, not only would not achieve the purpose of debugging, there may be the best time to delay pest, it is recommended that you try not to use this way .

Prevention: the key to pest control moisture. Insects produce requires a certain humidity and temperature, so if the floor of the insects, most of the blame because of damp, so the key to pest control is moisture. Many families pay attention to the decoration of the surface of the problem, and some hidden works tend to be ignored, especially for straight laying maintenance neo composite deck burnish wooden floors, the ground leveling is very important, generally dry hair to best use the resumption of light, because the hair to bare sand, only temporarily absorb moisture, moisture met the right environment will be released again. The powder not only can absorb excess water can also play a role in protecting the membrane seal in moisture, prevent damp, but also conducive to effectively measure surface flatness.

Some people think that, on the ground before the storage building with observation deck above wood floor coverings sprinkle a layer of charcoal, charcoal or pepper and other things can effectively prevent infestation, experts believe that this is not feasible. Charcoal, charcoal, although in the short term can absorb moisture, but the moisture is not digested, but tend to be released again, the same can not reach moisture purposes. And put pepper practice nor desirable, generally dry pepper can be de-worming, but many examples show, pepper is often due to moisture and insect infestation sparking floor. Therefore, the best way is to do a layer of ground moisture treatment, or a layer of moisture-proof paint brush
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