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25-May-2017 11:12
According to Mitzner, for a short time period when the company first started, Swimsuits for All targeted men, women and children of all sizes, but began to focus the business on women sizes 8 and up due to customer response. Mitzner believes existing Swimsuits for All’s customers will welcome this change.

How Is Shopping In Stores Going to Change?
The internet has taken business away from many traditional retailers, but the surviving chains have started to smarten up about how they present their merchandise.

The founders of bikini label Zulu and Zephyr, which now suit underwear turns over $5 million in annual revenue and is stocked by global retailers ASOS, Anthropologie and Revolve, have created a bikini empire.
Re: wholesale bikinis , suit underwear
17-September-2024 13:14
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