Cork floor maintenance
04-July-2016 05:12
???????Cork floor using three to five years if the individual office wear, can make up for local use, that is, in the local office re-added coating, the method is very simple, in the fray lightly with sandpaper, remove fouling its surface, then use a soft, dry cloth to gently wipe clean and re-coating system for coating, or in the local place to stick the polyester film. For surface painting cork wood plastic recycled composite flooring flooring with wood flooring, as its maintenance, generally six months to play a floor wax on it, the surface of the resin wear layer of laminate flooring with cork floor care as easy.

????Hard to wipe the place can be removed with a special cleaner. Prevent heat damage. Avoid the high temperature hot water cups and other items directly on the replace boards on a porch floor, so as not to scorch the surface film. At the same time we should try to avoid direct sun for a long time the floor, so the film is a long-term strong ultraviolet radiation, dryness and premature aging. After installing the floor 24 hours before the furniture on the floor, try to reduce personnel move around on it within 24 hours. When away from home, you shut the windows, doors, especially the tap, in order to avoid rain, dripping water soaked the floor. In addition cork composite boat dock decking flooring may be made of different colors of different species, made in different patterns, for example, there will be a variety of patterns on top of NBA court. In addition cork flooring is also used as a wall decoration or cork wall, so the maintenance of this cork flooring should pay attention to the following three points: vacuum cleaner, Tansu son, a damp cloth can be locally available eraser smudges wipe with a sharp object must not eradicate, if waxed panels can be wiped clean with a damp cloth.

????Cork flooring easier maintenance than other wood wpc exterior wood composite wall panel flooring, it is recommended at the door covered by a rub pads to reduce wear and tear on the sand floor. Avoid strong impact to the floor, moving furniture to lift move for the benefit, not directly drag furniture leg pad material need. As long as the daily attention to these problems, so that you can easily get the cork floor care.
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