Votad para conseguir dinero para la investigación
14-June-2011 19:43
Hola a todos

Nos ha llegado un e-mail a la lista internacional donde nos piden que votemos diariamente para conseguir dinero para la investigación del síndrome a todos aquellos que tengamos perfil en facebook y si no lo tenemos lo podemos crear, mejor oportunidad que esta smiling smiley para hacer nuestro perfil!

Os copio a continuación el e-mail. Solo teneis que entrar con vuestro perfil decid que os gusta la dirección que viene en el e-mail y luego buscar el nombre del síndrome de Angelman, mi hijo acaba de entrar para votar y me ha dicho vamos los primeros!..

Un abrazo a todos y gracias!

María - Elena 27 (del +)


You are receiving this email because you care about someone with Angelman Syndrome

With a daily click of your mouse you can make a real difference to Angelman Syndrome Research and the search for a cure. US home Security Company Vivint is asking Facebook users to nominate a charity to receive two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in their Vivint GivesBack Project.

Families, friends and supporters of the Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics showed their commitment to our cause and we finished in FIRST place in our region and took the number 2 spot overall in the United States for Phase One. Today, Phase 2 begins with the top 20 ranked charities from Phase One, each racing toward the ultimate prize of $250,000!

This is without a doubt the simplest way that you can be part of raising a large sum of money without leaving your seat! We need to keep the energy up and vote daily to win.
• Not a Facebook user? Please consider creating a profile for no other reason than to help our children WIN, Click here to create a profile
• Like Vivint , to have your vote count, you need to “Like” Vivint on their Facebook page (you only have to do this once)
• Click here [tinyurl.com] (click the login icon on the page & then *Endorse*!)
• Now, set a calendar reminder (in Outlook, Google Calender or on your phone), write yourself a sticky note & attach it to your computer – whatever you need to do to remember to do this daily.

What else can you do? Use this note to personalise an email to your family & friends, tell them what this means to you and ask for their help. Good friends want to help but are often at a loss at how to.

We live in a society that is constantly time poor but based around computers and social networking so making a difference in this manner is easy!

With the dedication to vote daily and the determination to help someone with Angelman Syndrome
Re: Votad para conseguir dinero para la investigación
14-June-2011 22:03

María, mamá de Mario (5 años, defecto de impronta)
Re: Votad para conseguir dinero para la investigación
14-June-2011 22:11

PILAR, mama de SARA (del +)

Re: Votad para conseguir dinero para la investigación
14-June-2011 22:44

Re: Votad para conseguir dinero para la investigación
15-June-2011 16:07
Gracias a todos. smiling bouncing smiley Vamos los segundos!!

El dinerito, si ganamos, irá directamente al dr. Weeber para la investigación de la cura.

Seguid entrando, en mi casa entran hasta mis hijos!.

Un beso

María - Elena 27 (del +)
Re: Votad para conseguir dinero para la investigación
16-June-2011 20:21
Gracias, Maria por informarnos siempre de todo, en lo que además salimos todos beneficiados.
Desde luego votaré a diario.
Montse mama de Montse(16 años)
S.S.de los Reyes
Re: Votad para conseguir dinero para la investigación
17-June-2011 21:52
Re: Votad para conseguir dinero para la investigación
25-June-2011 18:26
Os copio un e-mail de la FAST para animarnos a continuar votando y tratar de ganar 250.000$ para la investigación del Dr. Weeber

En casa votamos todos a diario!

A las familias Angelman no nos gana a constancia nadie, nuestros hijos nos tienen más que acostumbrados a ser constantes con todo!

Un abrazo

María - Elena 27 (del +)
Madrid - España


FAST needs your help to secure $250,000.00 in research funds – and it won’t cost you a penny!!!
FAST was entered in the Vivint Gives Back Project and won the qualifying round by a landslide. We are now in Phase II of the contest and holding a slight lead for 1st place and the grand prize of a quarter of a million dollars!!
In just two short years, FAST has begun to fund groundbreaking research towards a therapeutic. One of our funded projects has already identified an FDA approved drug that can rescue neuronal function in the mouse model of AS! The funds from the Vivint Gives Back Project will go a long way in furthering this research and helping individuals with AS. We need your help to win!!!
AS has been cured in the mouse model, now we need you to use your mouse to further research towards a cure!
Simply click this link - [www.vivint.com] - to start voting for FAST today. Make sure you receive a ‘Success” message. We need you to vote for FAST every day until the contest ends. Be part of a winning team and the miracle of a cure for Angelman Syndrome.
Thank you,
Board of Directors
Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics
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